Journal Entry 3

Date: 13.5. 2024


- Searched for suitable enemy including animations

-Implemented more game mechanics and a rat enemy


First I added an ammo bar to show much much battery does the player have left. It can be restored picking up batteries.
I also added a walking animation to the main character.
I spent most of the time implementing the rat enemies which run towards the player when he enters a certain radius and start damaging him when they touch him. They take damage when they are being lighted by the flashlight and die after taking enough damage.
Right now when the rats touch the player they push him away. I spent quite some time trying to fix this problem but I coulnd't figure out how to make them stop pushing him while still not running under him and doing damage to him.
Lastly I set up the level using tiles and walls around it so the player cant leave. I also spend some time trying to make the walls block the light from the flashlight and I kinda figured it out but when the player gets too close it kinda bugs which is annoying.

Invested hours: 

Implementing : 6 hours

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