Journal Entry 2

Date: 21.4. 2024


- Finished the project B and implemented the feedback from the playtesting


I finished implementing the game. The hardest part was probably the ammo system since I had to go through a lot of already implemented code and understand it.

I also added menu when esc is pressed and a timer that tracks how fast the player finishes the game. I also had some problems with this to try to keep the time and ammo between scenes and I ended up using PlayerPrefs.

Big part of the feedback was that its hard to know that you are in new level. So as I had planned in my one page design I changed the colors of each level and also sped up the music in second level and turned it off in third to change the atmosphere.

Overall I think it would be pretty easy to add new levels to the game as one just needs to copy the previous scene and edit it. Although there isn't much space left in the individual zones and im not sure if it's possible to move whole part of the map including tile map, so that could be difficult.

I finished the game in 3:31 on my "first run" so timewise im pretty satisfied. Difficulty wise I think the first two parts in the third level may be a little bit too hard and the boss fights might be little too easy in all levels so that could be improved.

Invested hours: 

Implementing : 13 hours




FinalBuild.rar 64 MB
Apr 22, 2024

Get Project B

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